Sunday, May 28, 2006

Some Favorites

So... I'm copying my mom on this and putting some favorites down that all you very bored people can look at and remember for when it's my birthday and you're at a total loss as to what to get me.

color: blue
food: you know what? I'd have to think about this one. They're all so good :D
drink: water!
movie: I don't watch movies that much...
book: It's cruel and unnusual punishment to make me decide. But some of my favorite series are in my profile
song: This one's hard too. Most classical, and most anything that's good and clean and fun.
sibling: no, just kidding! XD

Saturday, May 27, 2006

I'll never look at a frog the same way again...

Anyway, we had to disect frogs for Biology (ick!), and I got a fairly squeemish partner, so I've had to do the cutting...

It was pretty bad. For one thing we got a frog that had its arm across it's chest, and it had to be laying out flat, so we had to break its arm bones to get it to work. It's a good thing it's not alive. Oww... And then, also, the organs were all twisted up with each other, and we had to untangle them before we could cut them out. It was pretty bad. And we're still not done. How sad. Hey, at least no one's thrown up. Yet.