Saturday, May 27, 2006

I'll never look at a frog the same way again...

Anyway, we had to disect frogs for Biology (ick!), and I got a fairly squeemish partner, so I've had to do the cutting...

It was pretty bad. For one thing we got a frog that had its arm across it's chest, and it had to be laying out flat, so we had to break its arm bones to get it to work. It's a good thing it's not alive. Oww... And then, also, the organs were all twisted up with each other, and we had to untangle them before we could cut them out. It was pretty bad. And we're still not done. How sad. Hey, at least no one's thrown up. Yet.


Natalie Gordon said...

I remember back in 1986 when I had to dissect a frog. The insides looked EXACTLY like macaroni and cheese. Just thinking about it makes me want to barf 20 years later. Gross. And I just realized that I am REALLY OLD. Yikes. But, hey, one good thing about being really old is that I only have to dissect things now if I want to. Life is good.

Destiny said...

I've never done it, but it sounds interesting. I want to be a vet.