Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Drinking Straws!!!

Okay, so I got this meme off of Blogdrive Insanity. It should be fun. It happens to be about drinking straws...

1. What's your favorite beverage to suck up through a straw?
I like drinking soda through a straw, because of the bubbles.

2. Do you prefer the ordinary straight straws, or the crazy, colorful, twisted straws?
How about bendy straws? I don't like them if they're totally straight, and they're too crazy if they're all twisted and things.

3. Do you ever make those loud sucking noises at the end of the drink to annoy other people? And does that annoy you?
Sometimes I do it to annoy people (if they are people I know won't get too annoyed), but my brother does it way too much, and that annoys me.

4. Name one thing to do with a drinking straw other than using it to drink.
How about name one thing to use as a drinking straw for using it to drink? I like using the Redvines as straws; if you bite off both ends, it's hollow inside.

Clipart from


alisonwonderland said...

fun meme! the clipart is great too!

daltongirl said...

A peppermint stick shoved into an organge also makes a great straw--minty orange juice--yum!!