Sunday, December 31, 2006

Hey guys! It's New Year's Eve, so I'm filling out a survey that I got from my mom.

1. Where did you ring in 2006? At home, watching Miss Congeniality 2 with my mum.

2. What was your status on Valentine's Day? Single :P

3. Were you in school anytime this year? Try almost every day.

4. How did you earn your keep? I did chores around the house, but that's about it.

5. Did you ever have to go to the hospital? Nah, just normal doctor stuff.

6. Did you ever encounter the police? Nope, I'm a good girl.

7. Where did you go on vacation? Idaho Falls, and just around Utah. But we've got some good California stuff planned for 2007, including a band tour that I can't wait for!

8. What did you purchase that was over $500? I don't think I did...

9. Did you know anybody who got married?I don't think so.

10. Did you know anybody who passed away? Yes, sadly; both a family friend and my baby cousin.

11. Did you run into anybody you graduated high school with? Well, possibly, since the people I see everyday are the ones I'm going to graduate with.

12. Did you move anywhere? Nope, and that's a good thing.

13. What sporting events did you go to? Not too football games, I guess, but that was mostly just because pep band played there.

14. What concerts did you go to? I performed in several (including Middle School, High School, and a Utah Youth Symphony one), and I also got to go to the opera.

15. Are you registered to vote? Nope, but I will be in two years.

16. If so, did you do your patriotic duty on November 7? See above answer.

17. Where do you live now? Utah

18. Describe your birthday. It didn't feel like my birthday, especially because I never had a party and the fact that not too many people remembered. Thanks so much to those who did!

19. What's the one thing you thought you would never do but did in 2006? I started high school! But I actually knew that was going to happen... I went on a date! That definitely wasn't expected.

20. What is one thing you regretted this year? I don't know specifically, but I regret a lot of things.

21. What's something you learned about yourself? That I might actually have a chance of surviving high school.

22. Any new additions to your family? Nope.

23. What was your best month? December!

24. What from pop culture will you remember 2006 by? I don't know, because I don't pay too much attention to the whole pop culture thing, although I'm sure there's something that I know, I just don't know it yet...

Well, that's all for this year! See ya in 2007!

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